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We Are Your One Stop Destination!

Are you a serious fiber enthusiast looking for quality yarns, fiber, accessories, or spinning and weaving equipment? Look no further than Dances With Wool!   We recognize access to quality materials has been a struggle for fiber enthusiasts, and that's why we offer an extensive selection of commercial and hand-dyed yarns, spinning and weaving supplies, and much more. With our commitment to quality, an inclusive environment, and the right resources to help you advance your craft, we are your destination yarn shop for all your fiber needs. Let Dances With Wool give you the tools necessary to pursue the fiber projects you've dreamed of!

WE ARE WELCOMING!   We will always greet you and offer exceptional customer service when you visit us.

WE ARE SUPPORTIVE!   Need help?  We are knowledgeable and enthusiastic about our craft.  We can help you get started on a project or help you out of a jam.  

RELATIONSHIPS ARE IMPORTANT TO US!  You are our priority and fostering that relationship is our focus. We encourage you to come in, relax, and experience a creative "sit and chill" gathering place where you can share your passion for the craft with others. You are always welcome in our space regardless of race, sexual orientation, or gender.

People You Will Meet at Dances

Debbie Floyd, Owner

Knitting has been a passion of Debbie's for the last 20 years. Learning at the age of ten, the needles were soon put away as she entered the teenage years, and they remained packed away while she went on to college, raised three children, carted said children to MANY activities, attended grad school, and taught middle school first as a sixth grade teacher and then as the librarian. She picked up needles again on vacation during the fun-fur faze, after visiting a yarn store with a friend. She hasn't stopped since, and there isn't a city she visits that she doesn't find the nearest yarn store. Debbie retired in 2016 following an educational career of 31 years and decided opening the store two months later would be her "chapter 2". It is her sincere hope that Dances is a place where you find great yarn and also experience a welcoming and inclusive gathering spot where you just want to sit and share companionship and a cup of coffee with others who love the craft. Welcome!

Erin Lowery, Shop Manager

Erin didn't have a grandmother, mother, or anyone else teach her to knit as a child. She didn't pick up her first set of needles until her early 20s when she purchased a “Learn To Knit” kit at a big-box craft store on a whim. The yarn wasn’t the best quality, one of the aluminum needles was a little bent, and the book’s pictures were terrible. (Fun fact: For the first couple of years she twisted all her knit stitches without realizing!) But something about the hobby just captured her. Twenty years later, she refers to her knitting as a “lifestyle” and is never without multiple projects on the needles. Several years ago another kit introduced her to spinning yarn, which quickly built into another beloved hobby. Now entire sheep fleece follow her home from festivals, and she adores all aspects of the fiber world! Erin teaches many of our spinning classes as well.

Nikki Katsaros

As a young child, Nikki learned the basics of knitting from a beloved aunt. Periodically she would pick up needles and yarn to knit small squares or strips that became little scarves for stuffed toys. Fast forward through the busy years of college, graduate school, work life, marriage and motherhood - the knitting interest continued. When her youngest child started school Nikki decided to learn to knit garments. Twice she enrolled in knitting classes at craft stores only to be disappointed when they were cancelled due to low enrollment. Not willing to give up on yarn and sticks, she bought a book, some bright, fabulously pink Anny Blatt 100% wool yarn and knit a cardigan. There are mistakes in that cardigan and the finish work is imperfect. However, so much has been gained – knitting friends, a whole world of fiber, the sharing of knitting skills and the life long learning of new skills. In addition, Nikki realized a valuable lesson with that solo project. It is one that she would like to share with all would be knitters. That is, that there is little to no risk in knitting. It is a forgiving, fun and exciting personal art form which yields great reward. After years of happy knitting, Nikki still wears that imperfect sweater on cold winter days while preparing supper or puttering around the house. By the way - the color is still fab!


Keyser Glancy

Keyser considers herself a lifelong maker. As a child she was happiest surrounded by potholder loops, crayons and glue sticks. Both of her grandmothers were makers and taught her to knit, needlepoint and counted crossstitch. As an adult she dabbled in scrapbooking, watercolor painting, and ceramics.

About 15 years ago, inspired by a fellow playgroup mom, she picked up her knitting needles again. Head over heels for fiber she taught herself how to crochet, and when the world shut down for Covid she learned how to weave.

Keyser is looking forward to sharing her passion for color and texture with both shoppers and with her weaving students.

Angela Ingram

Angela has been a life-long maker, learning to sew and make counted cross-stitch at the age of 3 from her parents, the creative life blossomed from there. 

Angela learned to crochet from her Grandmother at the age of 8 and continued intermittently for many years including teaching friends in college. After college, she enjoyed sewing and quilting. 
After the birth of her third child and a desire to knit all the fun striped socks she was lead down the "rabbit- hole" of knitting. After completing her first pair of socks, she has not looked back and enjoys to enjoy all the fiber arts.  
A graduate of Longwood University in Therapeutic Recreation with a Music emphasis, if she is not teaching her children or making, she can be found singing in local choirs. Feel free to ask her about color options as it is one of her favorite parts of making! 

Candice Dull

Candice has always felt most at home engaged in some sort of creative endeavor. As a toddler she loved drawing and learned at a young age counted cross stitch.  In the early 2000s the scarf craze lead her to pick up a knitting kit and book (before YouTube) and teach herself to knit a scarf. She continued to knit consistently over the next 15+years.

Then in 2018, her family relocated from Roanoke to Midlothian, where she found DWW.  During COVID her knitting time increased as did her passion for the art.

When not caring for her husband and two children, she loves knitting, watching knitting podcasts, attending yarn festivals, and sharing her love of all things “yarny”

Millie Floyd

And then there is our newest staff member, Miss Millie.  Millie is a golden retriever who joined our family in October 2022.  She LOVES people.  You will see her in the shop from time to time, especially on Tuesdays, when Jo The Treat Lady (her favorite person for obvious reasons) visits.  

Lucy Floyd (crossed the Rainbow Bridge Dec. 9, 2022)

Lucy was Debbie’s faithful companion since 2012. She was a rescue through the Lab Rescue of the Potomac, after being found on a street severely malnourished. It didn’t take long for Debbie and Lucy to form a deep bond. She was a mama’s girl with a gentle soul who loved people and greeting customers when they visited Dances. She started this dream with Debbie and will always be a part of the shop.  It will not feel the same without her presence.
Order Today 1-(804) 594-5849
Social Stitch Groups:
Tuesday Morning 9-11
Thursday Evening 6-8